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Apple to Ban concert filming with ‘iPhone’

Apple may soon going to stop IPHONE users from filming at concerts — as a result of new Apple technology.
Mobile phones are popular items at concerts as audiens take pictures and videos of their favorite performer. The technology is also considered something of a menace by many artists and concert goers alike. As on CNN blog “Cellphones are ruining concerts“. Apple is trying to placate the recording industry once again by attempting to remove the ability to film concerts with an iPhone.
According to an article in The Sun — Apple is in the process of building a system that recognizes concert environments and shuts their iPhones down when they are trying to film the performance. Don’t you just love purchasing an item and then have the company that made it govern how you use it? Clearly, Apple is taking a page from Sony’s handbook in regards to the PlayStation 3. It should be noted this is not a cry to allow iPhone users to willing steal concert footage — but then again, you bought the device, and, you should be able to use it for whatever purposes you choose. If those choices violate laws and/or RIAA edicts, then it’s up to you to pay the consequences.

A patent application filed by Apple revealed how the technology would work. If an iPhone were held up and used to film during a concert infra-red sensors would detect it. These sensors would then contact the iPhone and automatically disable its camera function. Apple filed for the patent 18 months ago — and it is thought if successful it will help them negotiate deals with record labels to sell content through iTunes.
According to BBC news Tinie Tempah a British rapper from South London, England. Rejects  & criticised Apple’s idea for new technology that would stop music fans filming live gigs.

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